Deluge is a complete BitTorrent client for GNOME, offering many options for configuration and plenty of plugins, which can make it very useful for working with torrent files.
Deluge downloading a torrent

Among the plugins it comes with, the Torrent Search is probably the most useful. Unfortunately the results are displayed in a web browser instead of inside Deluge, so you'll have to download separately the torrents and open them with Deluge. This is slower than KTorrent, which instead opens an extra tab for searches. The default sites for searching for torrents are Google, PirateBay, YouTorrent, IsoHunt, Mininova, with the possibility to enter custom search engines.
Add custom search engines

Plugins tab in the Preferences window

Deluge has support to pause and resume from downloading torrents, can be minimised to system tray and it offers options to limit the download/upload speeds.
Deluge preferences

The interface is not very consistent and several widgets get resized whenever text inside them changes, which can get annoying. Otherwise, Deluge offers an intuitive interface.
Another useful plugin is the Torrent Creator, which allows you to create your own torrents and share with everyone.
Create a new torrent

Documentation is available online, and the official website offers a comprehensive FAQ and a forum for troubleshooting your problems with Deluge, if any.
Updated: Jun 13, 2008 (Created: Jun 13, 2008)
Yeah, I used Deluge for a while, although I found it a bit heavy. Of course, Azureus is the same exact thing. Just like your other article about Amarok and Banshee, I have a hard time figuring out which client is better!
I guess the one that makes your life easier :)
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